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jellí - medium almond soft gel tips

jellí - medium almond soft gel tips

Regular price $26.00 USD
Regular price $29.00 USD Sale price $26.00 USD
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  • pre-shaped
  • soak off in 5 minutes
  • strong & durable

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Are you tired of spending precious time shaping your builder gel/acrylic and not having it look the same or be equal? With the jellí soft gel tips you can significantly reduce your working time spent per client. The tips come already pre-shaped and numbered, in a conveniently sized box to not take up a lot of space. This way you’ll spend more time for nail art and being able to take on more clients per week. Just glue them on and you’re all set!

Shape: Almond

Length: Medium

Usage: Press-on nails and gel

*Glue/gel replacement: adhesive stickers

Quantity: 600pcs, 12 sizes

Try before buying!

Not 100% convinced about getting a whole box yet? Don't worry, we thought of that too!

If you want to test out our soft gel tips and see if they are the right fit for you and your services, you can buy a size kit or a shape kit!

They are not exclusive to press-on users and can be used to see how the tips look like in reality before committing to a whole box!

All starter kits come with FREE SHIPPING worldwide!

Nail compatibility

These nail tips are compatible with flatter nail beds, as well as slightly more curved ones, however please be mindful that you might need a slightly different technique in 
application based on the length, shape, and curvature of your nail bed.

Please be mindful that these soft gel tips are not a "one size fits all" product. If you have convex or really curved nails, as well as super flat nails, these tips may not fit you 100% perfect. This is completely normal, as everyone is different!

As a nail tech, please inform your customers well and encourage them to get a size kit before scheduling a gel extension appointment.

These tips are thinner near the cuticle area and get thicker for more strength towards the tip of the nail. Soft gel provides flexibility without breaking or creasing, being the perfect ally for nail technicians and at-home users who want salon quality sculpted nails without the hassle and expertise.

*Allergy disclaimer

*liquid gel products, if not cured or applied within safe parameters and guidelines, can develop allergies (contact dermatitis) upon touching the skin and surrounding area. It is extremely important to final cure the gel with a strong UV lamp until it is fully hardened, and clean up all uncured gel that touches the skin with 100% acetone or high percentage alcohol + a small brush.

Please be mindful of your body parts, such as hands and arms, that might accidentally touch the uncured gel (if you are working with open jars and mixing palettes, or even tissues with gel on it. If it touches your skin and is left there, it may cause an allergic reaction.


1. File the nail down with an electric file or a manual nail file. Be careful to not overfile and stop way before reaching your natural nails to avoid damaging it.

2. Soak a cotton pad in pure acetone and cover the entire nail with it so it can dissolve the gel.

3. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes. If there are parts of the soft gel nail that do not budge, please soak the cotton pad again and leave it for as long as necessary until you can nudge the remaining gel off with your finger.

4. NEVER pull or rip off the gel if there is resistance, otherwise it will take your natural nail off and damage it! Please don't do that! 🫣

If soaked properly, your gel nail should be removed with ease and no pushing/pulling.

Message us if you need help!


Ingredients: Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA), Methyl Methacrylate Copolymer, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, Butyl Methacrylate, Styrene

Safety warnings

Use the product following the seller’s instructions. Warning! May cause skin and respiratory irritation during manipulation (e.g., filing, sanding, or dissolving in acetone) due to dust or vapors. Use in a well-ventilated area. Avoid inhaling dust or vapors. Wear appropriate protective equipment, such as a dust mask and gloves, when handling. Keep out of reach of children. Avoid ingestion, skin, and eye contact. If skin contact occurs, wash with plenty of soap and water. If in eyes, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. In case of inhalation, move to fresh air and seek medical attention if symptoms persist. Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat and direct sunlight. Ensure packaging remains sealed when not in use. Dispose of product and packaging in accordance with local regulations.


For health and safety reasons, we DO NOT accept returns or exchanges. Sale is final. Please consult our return policy or email us for further questions.

Disclaimer: All images are solely for presentation purposes and the product components may present minor discrepancies in reality due to the various procedures in the manufacturing process.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Anastasia Valu

jellí - medium almond soft gel tips

super naturale, cu o forma superba!

sunt foarte seamless si rezistente, le folosesc in tehnica gel-x ❤

Multumita de produs

Super multumita le folosesc ca unghii press on 👍

Ana maria
Recomand 🥰

Am primit comanda in dimineata aceasta si sunt faine rau de tott ❤️❤️ multumesc mult si pentru cadoul dragut din colet!

Laura V.
O surpriza placuta

Initial am fost putin reticenta, ptc nu cunosteam firma si nici produsul, desi le vazusem peste tot pe tiktok si insta dar la noi nu se gaseau mai nicaieri tipsuri de genul... ei bine am facut primul pas si am luat pana la urma medium almond. Forma aceasta o fac la salon de obicei.. dar acum mai strangem din buzunar ca... vremurile.

Precizez ca am putina experienta cu oja semi, uneori imi schimb culoarea acasa daca nu ajung la salon, dar sunt foarte placut surprinsa de faptul ca este totusi usurel sa te prinzi, plus ca m-au ajutat si fetele de la jelli super mult, pentru ca nu ma prindeam cum sa nu-mi mai iasa gelul pe langa tipsuri cand le aplicam. Aici chiar nota 10 pentru serviciul clienti! 🥰 Minus ca nu au ghidurile inca pe site, dar chiar si asa sunt foarte receptive si dragute.

Ca si aspect: in-cre-di-bil. De cand le-am pus pana si sotul m-a intrebat cate sute de lei am lasat la salon pentru "gherute" 😂 O cutie te tine lejer 1 an, chiar daca le utilizezi frecvent, deci raportul pret-calitate este asa cum trebuie. Astept urmatorul salariu sa imi completez colectia de unghiute!

In concluzie: recomand cu mare caldura si incredere!! ❤️